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Trump’s Granddaughter Performed A Chinese Song For China’s First Family Beautifully But Received Unfair Treatment at Twitter

POTUS Trump’s granddaughter stole the show during his official meeting with Chinese counterpart. Ivanka’s daughter performed a Chinese song for the guests.


Everybody around Watched surprisingly as Arabella and Joseph perform for China’s President Xi Jinping and Madame Pen Liyuan.

Ivanka tweeted the following video of cute 5-year-old Arabella singing.

“Very proud of Arabella and Joseph for their performance in honor of President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan’s official visit to the US!”

A clear version shared by Ivanka

“Arabella singing a song she learned for #ChineseNewYear. Wishing everyone an amazing year to come during these days of celebration. 新年快乐”!


This is how twitter completely roasted the cutest performance because some children were killed in Syria due to air-strike.

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Trump’s Granddaughter Performed A Chinese Song For China’s First Family Beautifully But Received Unfair Treatment at Twitter

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