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Ford Has Created This Smart Bed For Toddlers to Trick Them to Sleep Like A Car

There’s something very noticeable about car rides that provide comfort and soothing effect to children and make them fall to sleep- the repetitive patterns, the subtleness of vibrations and humming sound all combined efforts put children to sleep easily.

Ford was deeply inspired by this notion and went to stretch of creating a digital crib with a simulated design. The only problem is, initially it is for infants.

It is named “Max Motor Dreams,” which has LED lights providing a street light glow with speakers to produce muffling sound like engines’. It rocks to mimic a backseat ride and is a comfortable crib with an app to track car’s route to recur the movements of your car.

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This Ford’s effort may get more inventive in the course of time. There are chances that they might come up with an other moderated form for elder children as well.


The ‘Max Motor Dreams’ seems to be theoretical initially, with just a crib to their credit. Even the pricing has not been set yet Ford Espana has run a sweepstakes for free giveaways to the winner but only if they partake in the test drive of Ford Max.

It is true that this smart bed is for toddlers only but an elder’s version would not look bad either. Finally it looks far better than the most of other smart beds as long as it remains safe from hacking.

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Ford Has Created This Smart Bed For Toddlers to Trick Them to Sleep Like A Car

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