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Trump’s TripAdvisor Reviews Have Confused People – Seriously Confused Read ‘Em’

President Trump wants to communicate about ‘Anything & Everything’. He loves his opinions about politics, cars, hotels, investment and places. Right, right, places- When it comes to going places TripAdvisor helps us find the cool ones, right.

Donald Trump, after returning from a Middle-East trip has left us his brainy views with TripAdvisor to know about the places. Even if you dont want to read, he still wants you to read. He might have written himself some of them. But that is for sure that even if he could not type himself being a president he would have echoed ’em to a assistant’.

Here are top of the TripAdvisor views sadly from your president who just returned from a visit.

More information: Mashable


8. NATO Headquarters (Brussels, Belgium)- How POTUS found it- Read it!

3 5

#7. Murabba Palace (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)!

4 4

#6. Masada (Israel)

5 4

#5. Taormina (Sicily, Italy)

6 4

#4. Global Center for Combating Extremism (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

7 3


#3. Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to victims of the Holocaust (Jerusalem, Israel)

8 1

#2. The Wailing Wall (Jerusalem, Israel)

donald trump trip advisor reviews middle east 1

#1. The Vatican (Vatican City)

donald trump trip advisor reviews middle east 2

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Trump’s TripAdvisor Reviews Have Confused People – Seriously Confused Read ‘Em’

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