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The Simpsons’ Trump Prophecy Emboldens Illuminati Fact & Internet is Confused Who’s Illuminati Creator or Character?

This is historic- The creators of comedy The Simpsons did it for satirical reasons and it unbelievably became true after 16 years. It was really unpopular villainous figure that all Americans would never agree to be their President- Alas! it became alive and kicking.

The Simpsons
PHOTO: The Simpsons

16 years ago The Simpsons scripted an episode “Bart to the Future” with Lisa Simpsons all grown up and elected to the White House after Donald Trump has sunk the economy.

To their unbelievable surprise it backfired badly and they saw President Trump, the then villainous character had become POTUS in 2016. Thus the prophecy inanely fulfilled.

Simpsons predict Trump
PHOTO: The Simpsons

James L Brooks, the executive producer on The Simpsons, summed it all up with this tweet: “F*** disillusionment!”

This year The Simpsons’ writer Dan Greaney elaborated why they had “predicted” this prophecy 16 years ago in 2000.

“It was a warning to America,” he said. “That just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom. It was consistent with the vision of America going insane.

“What we needed was for Lisa to have problems beyond her fixing, that everything went as bad as it possibly could, and that’s why we had Trump be president before her.”

Greaney, who also produces the US version explained: “The Donald Trump that we were writing about was kind of a lovable, over-the-top character and didn’t have this darkness.

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“There’s nothing in the episode about walls or rounding up Mexicans or Islamophobia. You would expect that he’d build giant monuments to himself but you wouldn’t expect that the first thing would be a wall.”

PHOTO: The Simpsons

Its creator, Matt Groening said last month: “Back in 2000 Trump was, of course, the most absurd placeholder joke name that we could think of at the time and that’s still true. It’s beyond satire.”

donald trump simpsons parody

Donald Trump was severely mocked in a episode of The Simpsons back in 2015, when he had announced he was running for Presidential Election 2016.

Yesterday, his candidature was discussed and twitter did its best to make people see the funny side of POTUS.

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The Simpsons’ Trump Prophecy Emboldens Illuminati Fact & Internet is Confused Who’s Illuminati Creator or Character?

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