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“Covfefe” Tweeted by Donald Trump & Twitter Would Not Stop Guessing The Misspelling

A riddle that sent by Donald trump confused everyone. Here are some tweets from people that are trying to understand  high level of MR President. Does he really needs to understand the phonetics? Some people took to twitter to guess what Mr. President was really meant by “Covfefe.”

donald trump covfefe

Game of trust


Always imagine positive


Who? president or covfefe


I think he was with president at that time


Go back to peace


Doctor couldn’t help himself.


Wanna join that small group?


Legal covfefe


Never give up on your dreams


The famous child


Don’t be sad…enjoy creativity


Finally someone with real point…”covfefe” you?

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“Covfefe” Tweeted by Donald Trump & Twitter Would Not Stop Guessing The Misspelling

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