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Dodge Challenger Hellcat Outruns Police at 200 MPH

There is no denying the fact that a Dodge Challenger Hellcat is capable of rocketing at 60 mph in less than 3.5 seconds and top out at over 200 mph in a short time. Unfortunately, it also translates to temptation and sometimes irresponsible behavior of some who try to take undue advantage of that. Several days ago a 25 year-old man by the name of Mohmed Ahmed Abu-Shlieba stole a white Dodge Challenger Hellcat around the Houston, Texas area. Soon there after, HPD begain chasing the vehicle, but were understandably not quite able to keep up.

As the video shows below, the Hellcat in question has been covering significantly ground down I-10 and JCSO reported the vehicle to have surpassed 100 mph, but it is quite certain you could tack on another 60 mph for an even 160 mph during the tiresome pursuit. We all have joked the handling capabilities of the hellcat aren’t exactly stellar, but somehow the driver in question never lost control of his stolen Challenger as he irresponsibly weaves through thickly trafficked road with semi-trucks, minivans and other startled civilians.


It was fortunate on the police part that they had an eye in the sky and could maintain their sights on the Challenger as it pulled off from ground units. Consequently, Mohmed fell privy to the vehicle’s gas mileage and ran out on the side of the road afterwards; and then proceeded to run into a cattle field before being “spider tackled” by Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Deputy. As the news outlets proclaimed, Mohmed was not taking it quite seriously and tried laugh the chase off.

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Fortunately there were no casualties or harm done to anyone and the Hellcat was handed back to its rightful owner.

It should be noted that the Dodge Challenger Hellcat has a valet mode that chokes the 6.2-liter supercharged V-8 to 300 horsepower.

Departments involved: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, Houston Police Department, Chambers County Sheriff’s Office, and Gulf Coast Violent Fugitive Taskforce.

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Dodge Challenger Hellcat Outruns Police at 200 MPH

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