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Lady Gaga Super Bowl Halftime Glitter, Drones And Upbeat

Lady Gaga rocked at Super Bowl halftime show with one big, glittering and performance. Mid-set she announced:

“We’re here to make you feel good.”

lady gaga super bowl
HOUSTON, TX – FEBRUARY 05: Lady Gaga performs during the Pepsi Zero Sugar Super Bowl 51 Halftime Show at NRG Stadium on February 5, 2017 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)

During her N.F.L. news conference she told to be including a very realistic performance that would be upbeat and uncontroversial. She stood to her promise. She chose her moves carefully and sang a few lines from each of “God Bless America”, “This Land is Your Land” and recited “One Nation Indivisible” concluded the Pledge of Allegiance.


She wore a big shouldering sci-fi suit paired with matching high-heel-boots, and a painted mask that glittered around her eyes. She was lowered through the air with suspension cables into NRG stadium, Houston with a trapeze flip.


She started with her rocking hits with a slightest meaningful nod to the audience: “Poker Face, I want to hold’em like they do in Texas.”

It went all good and she performed most of her popular hit numbers like “Bad Romance” “Born This Way”, spanning through out her career since success started in 2008.

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Lady Gaga Super Bowl Halftime Glitter, Drones And Upbeat

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