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President Trump’s Super Bowl LI Party at Floridan Golf Club

As President Donald Trump declared the favorite during Fox News interview that shown before the game that he was deeply rooting for the favorite friends, New England Patriots in Super Bowl Li. President of the USA Donald Trump watched the game at a party organized on his Floridan Golf Club, Trump International.

Trump and Melania Trump shared a table with the White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus whose family was also present. The table was garnished with red ropes.

The first couple and @Reince‘s family at the Trump International Golf Club Super Bowl party. twitter

When they entered the building where the party was held, Palm Beach Central High School band welcomed them with a grand march.

trump welcometwitter

@POTUS applauds Palm Beach Central marching band, performing upon his arrival at #SuperBowl watch party at Trump International Golf Club

Mike Memoli (@mikememoli) February 5, 2017

donald trump 1274535 960 720


 But soon the president left the part right before 9 p.m. ET. However, VP Mike Pence watched it at NRG Stadium Houston. via

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President Trump’s Super Bowl LI Party at Floridan Golf Club

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