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Every Super Bowl Tweet is a Politically Charged Firebrand – See How

Everyone is tweeting politically charged tweets about SUPERBOWL on twitter and they are making great sense, each of them, at least to the followers.

Twitter is a playground for everyone these days. Since its inception the games are played on its walls too. This Superbowl saw the same war of tweets on twitter. There are amazing responses by the people and fun part is every tweet is a political firebrand.

We captured some of them and they truly define the political backdrop of the tweeter. Here are few:


The Patriots didn’t win today.

Hate won. Fear won. Racism won. Sexsim won. Homphobia won. Literally shaking.



The winner should be determined by who has more fans, not more points. Winning is racist and Tom Brady is a fascist. #NotMySuperBowlChamps


#NotMySuperBowlChamps they got help from Putin


Note to America

This is what happens when Trump picks your team to win.


If we get enough support, eventually the military will get involved. Then we can overthrow the NFL @SarahKSilverman


Still think that the #NewEnglandPatriots cheated in


I’m not gonna say Putin hacked the Superbowl, but I had never seen this ref before until last night. #NotMySuperBowlChamps


Winning against all odds is now a conservative thing, while Whining after losing is officially a liberal thing, #NotMySuperBowlChamps


Winners Stick Together



Maybe a federal judge can overturn it! ?#notmysuperbowlchamps





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Every Super Bowl Tweet is a Politically Charged Firebrand – See How

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