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This NFL Player Received a Heartwarming Letter on A Plane

This NFL football player has to deal with extensive exercise and a lot of playing. Recently a woman approached him on a plane and handed him a cutely written letter that will move every reader.

This letter is not less than an inspiration specially to all athletes. Here is the letter that could be read.

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Mohammad Sanu is a very well valued Atlanta Falcons’ key football player.

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When he read the letter after a mother handed him he was surprised and happy.


The letter begins with a short but truthful intro: “You don’t know us, but we wanted to thank you.”


Here is the complete letter


Mohammad Sanu’s reaction to it is also noticeable


It is not difficult to be a role model when you are playing professionally. All one needs to be like Mohammad Sanu is being consistent and hardworking.

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This NFL Player Received a Heartwarming Letter on A Plane

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