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Melania Trump Announces Lindsay Reynolds to Be The Chief of Staff

The First Lady Melania Trump has announced the appointment of Lindsay Reynolds to be the Assistant to the President Donald Trump and Chief of Staff to the First Lady. Being the Chief of Staff, she will be responsibly managing the agenda and daily working of the Office of the First Lady. Reynolds has the lengthy experience of 14 years in political fundraising, event management and logistics. She had been serving during the tenure of ex-president George W. Bush.

melPhoto: Fox News

The First Lady announced Lindsay to be the chief of staff through a press release:

“It has been an honor to take on the responsibility of the position of First Lady, with its long history as an important representative of the President, our family, and the traditions of our nation around the world,” said First Lady Melania Trump. “I am putting together a professional and highly-experienced team which will take time to do properly. I am excited to be organizing and bringing together such a dynamic and forward thinking group of individuals who will work together to make our country better for everyone.”


Lindsay being grateful to the First Lady replied:

“I look forward to the opportunity to serve as the First Lady’s Chief of Staff, The First Lady is thoughtfully selecting her team, establishing the Office of the First Lady and supporting her husband President Trump. In addition, I am working to ensure that the White House Visitors Office is fully staffed and operational and ready to accept tour requests for the public in the coming weeks after a traditional temporary closure during the transition period.  In the meantime, we are using this time to tend to routine maintenance, updates and renovations along the tour route to ensure the guest experience is top notch.”



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Melania Trump Announces Lindsay Reynolds to Be The Chief of Staff

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