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The Basic Theory Behind The Bottomless ‘Kellyanne on The Couch’ Controversy

Kellyanne Conway found herself one more time in the grips of media mockery and unorthodox reason to be derided on. She swirled in on and severely criticized after a photo began circulating of her being knelt on a couch in the White House while all other present were surprisingly looking at her– Even the President himself.

The presidential advisor’s photo that was taken by Brendan Smialowski of AFP has been criticized by many when the President was meeting with a representatives of black universities and colleges.


The leftists have eyed the demeanor being disrespectful towards the black community. A Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King went bit too far by supposing her disposition being racist.

I sincerely doubt that Kellyanne Conway would be on the couch, shoes off, on her knees, looking at her phone, if the…

Posted by Shaun King on Monday, February 27, 2017

Was the Advisor really up to lie lazy on the couch for a while in the Oval Office when the photos were being taken officially?

It is really not even the slice of reality.

As it looks like in the first picture, the second one just justifies the action that Trump’s advisor was looking for a better angle to take a snap of the president with the guests. It is weird that people keep passing on the verdicts without looking for the whole story.

It is not the first time that someone has had a foot on the Oval Office furniture.

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The Basic Theory Behind The Bottomless ‘Kellyanne on The Couch’ Controversy

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