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Harsh Tweets About Celebrities That They Were Asked to Read Themselves LIVE!

“Celebrity Mean Tweets” A segment from Jimmy kimmel live! Will it feel any good if you are invited to read unbearable tweets about yourself? This is a show where celebrities read out hard hitting tweets about themselves.

Here are some crazy tweets from this segment.



celebrities read mean tweets about themselves on the jimmy kimmel show 640 18


rs 1024x759 140522111826 1024.Celebrity Mean Tweets 7 JlR6 52214

Dwayne Johnson Kimmel Mean tweets


rs 1024x759 140522110740 1024.Celebrity Mean Tweets 7 JR 52214


rs 1024x759 140522042824 1024.Ashton Kutcher Mean Tweets JR 52214

celebrities mean tweets reactions 309 592ebf04f173c 700

celebrities mean tweets reactions 309 592d81ed8d5c7 700

celebrities mean tweets reactions 333 592d8533720f3 700

jimmy kimmel mean tweets 8 highlight

More info: Jimmy Kimmel Live

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Harsh Tweets About Celebrities That They Were Asked to Read Themselves LIVE!

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