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Celebrities Who Joined The WOMEN’S MARCH

Saturday was the day when people took to the streets in the United States of America to support the rights of women. They made speeches and said a lot about the right wing politics. The day was specially organized to make President Elect Donald Trump impeach somehow or to force the establishment to take action against.

Here are the 15 celebrities of more than 50 who joined the marches.

#1 Adam Dell


Credits: Instagram

#2 Padma Lakshmi


Padma Lakshmi attended Washington D.C. March.

Photo Credit: Instagram

#3 Chrissy Teigen

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Chrissy Teigen said, “I have hope!!!” after mixing with the crowd in in Washington D.C. Credits: Twitter

#4 Brie Larson


“For me, this was not a march just for women. This was a demonstration to show how proud we are to stand with all people from every inch of the globe to educate, inspire and ultimately make the world a better place.” Credit: Instagram

 #5 Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde


“I am blown away. WOW. We are a force to be reckoned with!” Credits: Twitter

#6 Debra Messing and Julianne Moore


Both were in Washington D.C. for marching with @MomsDemandAction group. “What an inspiring, exciting, gratifying, and comforting day, walking in lockstep with people of ever race, religion, sexual identity– different groups being HEARD & SEEN,”  Instagram

#7 Ashley Judd


Ashley Judd spoke about sexual assault and read a poem “Nasty Women.” Instagram

#8 Scarlett Johansson


Credits: Reuters

#9 Ian McKellen


 Sir Ian McKellen “I found it at the end of the march in Trafalgar Square. It was not my own” he said Twitter

#10 Rihanna


Rihanna, being in NYC, posed among many of the leftover signs.  Instagram


Helen Mirren and Melissa McCarthy


 Helen Mirren and Melissa McCarthy together in NYC to support the cause. Instagram

 #12 Demi Lovato and The Edge


Demi Lovato and U2’s The Edge attended the march in L.A. “Today at the #womensmarch in LA introducing U2’s The Edge!!” Demi wrote. “We stand in solidarity. (Photo: Instagram)

#13 Pink


Pink was in L.A. and “We march together,” she captioned this photo, that includes hubby Carey Hart and daughter Willow. Instagram

#14 Cory Booker and Katy Perry

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Powerful in pink: Katy Perry was at the Women’s March in D.C. Saturday.

#15 Madonna


Everyone knows the story to the length she went while expressing her thoughts about the women’s rights.

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Celebrities Who Joined The WOMEN’S MARCH

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