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This Sweet 3-Year-Old Toddler Posed Like Strong Women To Encourage Her Grandma to Fight Cancer

Scout Larson is 3-year-old girl whose inspiration for posing like strong women comes from her Nonnie who was diagnosed with breast cancer.

For the family, photoshoot, was the best way to keep themselves busy. The aim of the photoshoot was to encourage Nonnie fight cancer bravely. And she did it with courage!

Scout was concerned when Nonnie’s hair started falling she wanted to portray the brave women who stood strong through tough times even in movies.

Scout’s mother, Ashley Larson, took pictures of her daughter dressed as her “hero” grandma 57-year-old “nonnie” Diane Willoughby, who underwent diagnosis for breast cancer in April 2016 for six rounds of extreme chemotherapy from June to September.

In the photo, Scout wears a shirt that reads, “Nonnie is cancer free let’s party!” while Willoughby sports a matching shirt that says, “I am cancer free let’s party!”

scout dresses like celebrities

Scout’s mother, Ashley dressed and photographed her with the famous strong women by briefly telling her about them, to give some strength to the family.

Scout vs Taylor Swift

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Scout vs Maggie

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Scout vs Zooey Deschanel

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Scout vs Ellen Page

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Scout Vs Ellen DeGeneres

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Scout Vs Emma Watson

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Again Scout Vs Nonnie

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Scout vs Adele

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Scout Vs Malala

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Scout Vs Amy Fisher

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More info: Instagram|People

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This Sweet 3-Year-Old Toddler Posed Like Strong Women To Encourage Her Grandma to Fight Cancer

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