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9 Shocking Photos Of Pop Stars Now And When They First Started Out

Singers often change their image so many times that people forget what they looked like when they originally started out. Here’s a look at some of the world’s pop stars, comparing how they looked when they started out compared with how they were numerous years down the line. Let’s just say some of them have undergone quite the transformation over the years!

1-Justin Bieber in 2010 and 2015

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via Belovedmagazine

Over the years Justin his become quite the heartthrob and has changed his image – most notably his hair – several times, to his fans’ delight.

2. Mariah Carey in 1991 and 2013

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via Snakkle

The photo on the left was taken a year after Mariah’s first album was released; she’s gone on to become one of the world’s top selling artists, breaking many impressive records along the way.

3. Ariana Grande in 2009 when she started and 2017

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via Thesun

Ariana’s come a long way since she started out on Nickelodeon show Victorious, for which she would routinely dye her hair red. She ditched the red hair before embarking on a hugely successful pop career.

4. Calvin Harris in 2008 and 2015

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via Yahoo

All that exercising has really helped Calvin transform his physique over the years – the new hair style has helped as well!

5. Rihanna in 2005 and 2016

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via Usmagazine

Rihanna was a fresh-faced teen when she exploded on to the music scene with her first single ‘Pon de Replay’ and is now regarded as a fashion icon, while also being a chart-topping singer.

6. Beyonce in 2003 and 2018

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via Usmagazine

What’s most shocking about this side-by-side photo is that, despite there being a 13-year age difference, Beyonce doesn’t seem to have aged a day.

7. Sam Smith when he started out and in 2018

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via Daily Star

Much time might not have passed between these two photos, but they show off Sam’s weight loss, which he achieved after piling on the pounds while promoting his first album.

8. Taylor Swift in 2006 and 2018

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via Newsday

Before becoming one of the biggest pop singers in the world, Taylor was one of the biggest country singers in the world. Though over the course of her career, she’s gradually changed her look, ditching her curls in the process.

9. Britney Spears in 1998 and 2017

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via Msn

Britney was a fresh-faced teen when we first saw her in the video for …Baby One More Time. Her career has spanned nearly two decades and she’s had many iconic looks, including the notorious schoolgirl costume and the red leather jumpsuit, to name a few.

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9 Shocking Photos Of Pop Stars Now And When They First Started Out

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