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This Young Girl’s Awesome Photos Featured Her Ex So She Invented A Genius Way to Keep Sharing Them

19-year-old single-again Baylee Woodward had a wonderful year. She traveled most of the time on a yacht after getting a job there.

Her adventure time helped her maintain a cool Instagram account with her photos wherever she went. The same photos featured her ex-boyfriend who had been her travel partner.

Now more than ever I realize i will never be content with a sedentary life, life is short & the world is wide

A post shared by Baylee-Ann (@baylee_woodward) on

It is unfortunate enough that the relationship came to a nasty end. She says her ex was her immediate boss too on the yacht and fired her without any obvious reason.

“The breakup was rough because he was my travel partner for a year, we were together literally 24/7, and then he just fired me out of nowhere,” she said.

The other unfortunate prospect of her breakup was that many of her awesome photos featured her ex. Baylee has invented incredible trick to keep sharing the photos.

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Baylee Woodward

She did some photoshop tricks and replaced her ex’s face with Zac Efron’s. It looks amazing. Now she has been sharing it on social media and the responses are amazing.

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Baylee Woodward

“We traveled to a lot of places together in the last year, from Central America to island hopping in the Caribbean for two months,” Woodward tells Diply.

Occupation: finding waterfalls

A post shared by Baylee-Ann (@baylee_woodward) on

In case you want to see her ex-boyfriend.

Only keeping this because I look cute & it's a travel pic (deleting captions & comments)

A post shared by Baylee-Ann (@baylee_woodward) on

When she has to hike: “I wanted to post a throwback picture from one of the trips but the best ones are with him in it,” she said. “I couldn’t crop him out and blurring him would be ugly, so I was like, ‘I’ll just put someone else’s face on it.’ And when you think ‘hot young guy’ you think Zac Efron.”

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baylee Woodward

Who does not want to go on horse-riding with Zac Efron. I guess any girl’s big dream.

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Baylee Woodward
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Baylee Woodward

He can sit with Baylee any time on a boat.

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Baylee Woodward

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This Young Girl’s Awesome Photos Featured Her Ex So She Invented A Genius Way to Keep Sharing Them

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