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The US Court Turndown The Appeal to Reinstate Trump’s Immigration Ban

President Donald Trump’s immigration ban on seven Muslim countries would remain ineffective and suspended since the Court disapproved administrative plea. The President of the United States and crew  had appealed the court to reinstate the ban when it was halted on 3rd February, Friday.

The US establishment’s appeal was initially

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overturned when the state lawyers declared the executive order being unconstitutional. The White House and the States that challenged the ban are supposed to present the argument in a full hearing till Monday. trumpimage

The ban was one of the Executive Orders signed by the President when he entered the White House that barred immigrants from seven countries for 90 days. The Oval Office’s step proved a flippant that sparked massive protests across the country.

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The President had reacted to the temporary suspension of ban by the District Judge James Robart tweeting:

“What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?

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The US Court Turndown The Appeal to Reinstate Trump’s Immigration Ban

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