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Trump Blazes TV Polls As They Show Majority of Americans Are Opposed to His Travel Ban

Donald Trump, denounced the polls by CNN, Gallup and CBS that presented the results a majority of Americans being opposed to the immigration ban he enforced through Executive Order on predominantly seven Muslim countries.

trump internvia: twitter

“Any negative polls are fake news, sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

Trump tweeted from Palm Beach, Fla., on Monday.

A “Morning Joe” panel on MSNBC had discussed a latest CNN/ORC Poll that showed 53% American adults opposed Trump’s immigration ban and 47% supported it.

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However, other two National Surveys claimed on Friday, that the majority of Americans have disapproved the travel ban. According to CBS poll 51% US adults disapprove of Trump’s Executive Order and 45% approve. According to Gallup’s Survey 55% disapprove of it and 45% approve.

The same poll also showed that Trump’s wall along the Southern Mexican boarder being opposed by 60% as compared with 38% who support it.

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(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Last month, Trump’s executive order restricted entry of immigrants from seven countries i-e Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.


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Trump Blazes TV Polls As They Show Majority of Americans Are Opposed to His Travel Ban

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