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Ex-Navy Seal Asks Trump Patriots to Get Ready & Threatens The Nation of A Gruesome Massacre If Trump Impeached

It seem president Trump’s brigade is beginning to realize the dogma that he is probably not going to complete his first term in the White House. Not only has the jury been diversified on issues but the charges have gone little far from possibility to likelihood and they are saying everything outright what they fear the most. 

An Ex-navy SEAL Craig “Sawman” Sawyer is one of the trump supporters who adore their supreme leader so much and fear his loss. Many like him too swear to stand by him and could possibly use any ways and means to restore him or avenge the acquittal. 

Sawman Sawyer has informed the Trumpers about possible aftermath. He wrote on Facebook:

“I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists,” Sawyer posted on Facebook recently. “Very disturbing.”

“Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people. It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective Constitution,” he continued. “Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist. They get complete control, you get zero. Freedom, Gone! Liberty, Gone! This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.”

By “at any cost” he seems to use the force against anyone who seems to be a little liberal to him. “Like ALL military, law enforcement and government officials, I took an oath to defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic,” he said. “By abandoning the rule of law and conducting a coup against the President & policies WE THE PEOPLE elected, they have made themselves enemies of the United States.”Sawyer believes we’re past the point of a civil war and it is a call of duty for all patriots like him to be ready to the action against the opponents in streets or wherever they could be found. 

Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military, have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies. Some speculate on “civil war”. I readily recognize a much more sobering reality: Anti-American subversives involved in ANY WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately by the world’s most supreme warriors. There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor. Harsh examples will be made. My prediction is it will be a gruesome massacre. Why? Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use. 1f923

“It will likely only take a few hours. Lessons will be learned. History will take note,” he added to his chillingly violent message. “Order restored.”

“Prepare yourselves in case this ridiculous insanity actually gets played out and the rule of law goes out the window under their gross miscarriage of our legal process,” he warns his fellow Trump supporters.


What do you think what would be the consequences of all this? Are there any chances that a possible insurgency could be avoided? Let us know in the comments section. 

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Ex-Navy Seal Asks Trump Patriots to Get Ready & Threatens The Nation of A Gruesome Massacre If Trump Impeached

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