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‘Trump Still Thinks N Korea is in China’ Are Mental Issues Not Getting Solved?

Trump has been severely criticized for his ignorance as he thought N Korea was a part of China. He should have corrected his knowledge about history. Alas! he failed at it, miserably.

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Trump was accused of “shocking ignorance” after he stated that Korea used to be a part of China during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jingping earlier this month.

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

Speaking in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Mr Trump said that Mr Xi “Went into the history of China and Korea … and you know, you’re talking about thousands of years … and many wars. And Korea actually used to be a part of China.”
South Korean daily newspaper Korea Joonang Daily expressed in an editorial: “We are dumbfounded that the leader of 21st-century China made such a ridiculous claim. If Trump really conveyed Xi’s words correctly, it is nothing but a grave challenge to the identity of the Korean people. “

It added: “As China’s power has grown remarkably over the last three decades, China’s historical perception is increasingly taking a worrisome turn.”

That was a past, he tweeted today about China North Korea and their rivalry but his tweet sounds like he still thinks Korean Kingdoms were and are still parts of China. When he talks about N Korea, probably, he thinks that there is a some kind of civil war in China.

Read this tweet,@RealDonaldTrump

China is very much the economic lifeline to North Korea so, while nothing is easy, if they want to solve the North Korean problem, they will

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‘Trump Still Thinks N Korea is in China’ Are Mental Issues Not Getting Solved?

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