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Muslim Teen From Pennsylvania Asks Her Father in Saudi Arabia if She Could Remove Hijab & His Reply is Historic

Lamyaa, a 17-year-old arab Muslim girl from Pennsylvania was criticized by fellow students when she opined about the political scenario in the USA in a group chat where many others were also commenting.

One of the fellow students, who knowingly she was a Muslim, responded to her in strong words only someone with low-selfesteem would do.

“Stop defending Islam Bitch shut up you couldn’t take that scarf off or your dad would beat your ass.” Instead of responding nonsensically like her counterpart did Lamyaa went to ask her dad about removing the scarf.

What was the response of her father could be seen below. Whatever he replied she shared on twitter and since then it has been on viral spree with over 320K likes and 147k rewteets.

Lamyaa’s father lives in Saudi Arabia and she lives in Pennsylvania.

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Lamyaa twitter

What Probably instigated the guy over Lamyaa was her being a Muslim. She decided to ask her dad about removing the scarf

lamyaa twitter

“I want to take my hijab off” she wrote. Even though she personally did not want to. She wanted to know the answer for some reasons. Her father showed complete support to her decision with a little explanation. “If it’s what you feel like you want to do, go ahead. I’ll support you no matter what.”

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Most of the responses have openly supported her decision and applauded her father’s opinion.

There were others who were not given such a lenient stretch by their parents over removal of hijab. One of them responded

When she saw the point of her tweet was getting misunderstood she clarified it. “They misunderstood my tweet, but I do understand their anger,” Lamyaa said in response. “My intention was in no way, shape, or form to speak over or offend anyone.”

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Muslim Teen From Pennsylvania Asks Her Father in Saudi Arabia if She Could Remove Hijab & His Reply is Historic

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