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The US Economy on The Rise Since Last Month – Yahoo Finance

This Wednesday the great news about the boom of US economy was noticed on the board. The data released by ET displayed a record increase in manufacturing, retail sales and also inflation beyond expectations. The January retail sales rose about 0.4% as compared with December’s much better than expected 0.1% by the experts.

However, the most catchy part of the report is revision to December’s number which is the heart of all the major occasions of shopping, holidays and parties, that shows the rise in sales 1% upped from the previous 0.6%.

Source: Census Bureau

Notable categories  have also increased since last year that came from nonstore retailers  that included Amazon which also enjoyed rise of 12% as compared with last year. Besides gas and oil prices also hiked.

Besides, headline and “core” inflation both topped the expectations. “Core” inflation which is excluding food and gas prices is highly relied upon by the Federal economics to analyse price trends in the economy.


Headline inflation’s rise was also observed to 0.6% last month and 2.5% since last year. The rise from 0.3% and 2.4% was expected earlier.

According to Yahoo Finance:

“The headline year-on-year inflation print was the best March 2012.”

The rise of “Core” inflation had been recorded 2.3% over the previous year January, 0.3% previous month and it is a top Fed’s expected percentage of targeted rise.

According to Yahoo Finance:

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Following this report, interest rates spiked, seeming to indicate the markets now think the Fed could raise rates three times this year, as it has projected. On Tuesday, traders did increase their bets of a March rate hike from the Fed after Chair Janet Yellen’s testimony, but were still largely fading the prospects for more aggressive action from the central bank.


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The US Economy on The Rise Since Last Month – Yahoo Finance

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