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Trump’s Proposed Drastic Changes to Obamacare To Be Introduced Soon

CMS (The Centers for Medicare) declared the new proposals for (ACA) Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance exchange Wednesday morning. According to recent press release, it contains number of changes for enrollment period and the period an insurer can attempt “stabilizing the individual and small group health insurance markets.”
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There are several changes that to be introduced into the law better known as Obamacare by the new White House administration of president Donald Trump. There are new envisaged ideas and modifications.

The two major changes that could be seen are “Dividing the exchanges’ 2018 open enrollment time and also “minimizing to the lowest standards for care to qualify.”

Donald Trump

The latest rule suggest an open enrollment time-period that would allow people without health insurance with the assistance from their employer of Medicaid/Medicare to apply for cover from the 1st November, 2017 to 15th December 2017.

The rules would minimize “de minimis range used for determining the level of coverage.” Not to forget, the ACA established least standards for the cover to be a certified claimant to bronze, silver and gold plans. The latest changes also give liberty to the insurers to cover fewer areas and still be counted at for a certain cover level.

See the full report here.

The acting CMS Admin, Patrick Conway commented on it:

“This proposal will take steps to stabilize the Marketplace, provide more flexibility to states and insurers, and give patients access to more coverage options,”


“They will help protect Americans enrolled in the individual and small group health insurance markets while future reforms are being debated.”

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Apart from it, there are other changes too, proposed to be concluded, some of the propositions are mentioned below.

Give insurers more time to figure out their 2018 plans:

Insurers have expressed concerns over uncertainty regarding the repeal and replacement of Obamacare by Republicans. This uncertainty, coupled with enrollment data, has already led one of the largest insurers – Humana – to announce plans to leave the market. Others are considering their offerings. The date to submit 2018 plans to the federal and state governments in April. The new rule said that if the other changes are accepted, CMS would issue “separate guidance” on the deadline for insurers.

An increase in scrutiny during the registration period:

The rule would force people that enroll outside of the open enrollment period to provide additionally documentation to be allowed access to coverage. It would allow people who lose employer coverage due to a job status change to gain access, but prevent people from waiting until they get sick to sign up for plans. This is a long standing idea to prevent abuses of the special enrollment periods. A similar proposal came from

Not to forget the fact that the Obama Administration forced the beneficiaries to re-pay the owed premium before the coming year’s cover.


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Trump’s Proposed Drastic Changes to Obamacare To Be Introduced Soon

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