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The Mayors of Sanctuary Cities Fire back at Trump After Defunding Threat

Fox News: The Federal Justice Department threatened on Monday, to pull off funding of sanctuary cities that refuse to comply with federal immigration enforcement laws and it drew a defying response from big city mayors.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio disapproved of the crux of Sessions’ message by saying in his weekly television segment “Sessions was more saber-rattling.”

“If they actually act to take away our money, we’ll see them in court,” vowed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said taking federal funding from the city would be “unconstitutional.”

“We will fight to protect the safety and dignity of all Angelenos. We will work closely with our representatives in Congress to make sure that Los Angeles does not go without federal resources that help protect millions of people every day,” he added.

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The Mayors of Sanctuary Cities Fire back at Trump After Defunding Threat

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