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LIMBAUGH: Obama Administration & Holdovers ‘Attempting to Sabotage’ Elected President Trump

Rush Limbaugh shared his thoughts about the Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ roost over talks with the Russian ambassador was all about the “Obama administration and its holdovers in the deep state.” They have deeply woven ways to sabotage the elected president of the United States.
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He further said “I know the desire to defend Sessions,” the conservative radio talk-show entertainer and host expressed that on his afternoon program session. “He’s a great man. He’s a decent man. He’s a good man.

According to a reliable source he further said:
“But it’s not about the reality. It’s about the perception.

“If we accept the premise, then that sets the perception almost in stone.

“And they’re gonna go after Sessions for the same reason that they made Trump get rid of [National Security Adviser Michael] Flynn: ‘He’s not trustworthy. He lied to me, lied here, lied to [Vice President Mike] Pence.’

“How do you not get rid of Sessions after having gotten rid of Flynn on that basis?” Limbaugh asked. “So, here come the calls from the Democrats: Impeachment! Special prosecutor!”
The excerpt from the context appeared on Rushlimbaugh

It appears, ladies and gentlemen, that the people on our side still haven’t learned a single lesson about how to deal with the Democrat Party and the media, the American left — of course, that’s all the same group of people. It’s patently obvious. It’s really frustrating to me. All of this should have been anticipated. All of this was easily predictable. I think somebody I know pretty well did.

And the way this is all being handled today — and people have the best intentions. The heartfelt desire to defend Jeff Sessions by pointing out the Democrat hypocrisy, when are we gonna learn that Democrat hypocrisy doesn’t exist? There is no such thing as Democrat hypocrisy in the media. You’re never gonna beat these people back by pointing out how they’ve done the same thing that they’re accusing us of doing. It’s never gonna work! This story is not about Jeff Sessions.
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By the way, greetings and welcome. Great to have you. Rush Limbaugh, 800-282-2882.

This story is not about Jeff Sessions. This story is not about illegal talks between Trump and his campaign people and the Russians. This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign. That’s what the story is. And that is what has to be attacked, not defended.

We have no reason to be on defense all the time. We won the election. These people are barely hanging on. This is all they’ve got. And there’s no evidence, despite a year and a half of allegations of illegal contact between Trump, his campaign, and the Russians. There is no evidence.

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LIMBAUGH: Obama Administration & Holdovers ‘Attempting to Sabotage’ Elected President Trump

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