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The Art of Using Paper Cutouts to Embellish Architectural Wonders

Rich McCor is so versatile in setting up cut-outs onto famous places and then photographing them that they look aboriginal parts of them. He has transformed many famous architecture wonders into an entirely different disposition.

He is so versatile in his typical domain of cutting out drawn portraits and holding up onto places then captures them on camera, that they will make you wonder whether they were there since the first day.

The fun part is when he adds the cut-out, then the whole structure becomes unthinkably funny. Here are some of his artistically furnished designs.

Using Paper Cutouts To Turn Famous Landmarks Into Art (10+ New Pics)

More info: Instagram


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These photos tell the amazing skills he enjoys while applying simple tactics to them.

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The Art of Using Paper Cutouts to Embellish Architectural Wonders

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