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The Deportation Has Begun & Mexico’s Warning Comes in Too

ICE will continue to focus on identifying and removing individuals with felony convictions who have final orders of removal issued by the nation’s immigration courts.”
The stated warning was issued the day post Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos’s deportation orders following President’s Immigration Executive Order.
photo: Pinterest

The ICE department has taken the initiative by initiating deportation of the first person Guadalupe Garcia De Rayos to Mexico. A statement had been released by the Mexican Foreign Minister  on Friday said that the US have “Intesified Their Work” in order to protect the nationals, and have anticipated “more severe immigration measures to be implemented by the authorities of this country, and possible violations to constitutional precepts during such operations and problems with due process,” according to the translation done by CNN

Photo: Pinterest
The Mexican Government, through that statement has been urging their citizens living in USA to remain in touch with the closest consulate and also make emergency contingency plans since a mother was deported first following President’s executive order.

A 36-year-old, Garcia de Rayos, the mother of two US citizens, lived in the USA for the last 20 years, was taken in the custody after went in for a casual check at the Federal Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters in Phoenix.

illegal mexican immigrants
Photo: Privacy Living

Since the President had already promised to exercise strong check on illegal immigrants, especially, those who had been involved in crimes. Garcia had been a convicted felon in 2009 for using fake social security number. Then she was allowed by the Obama Government under the general leniency allowed to those who entered the USA as children.

ICE will continue to focus on identifying and removing individuals with felony convictions who have final orders of removal issued by the nation’s immigration courts,” ICE spokeswoman Yasmeen Pitts O’Keefe said, according to Associated Press.

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The Deportation Has Begun & Mexico’s Warning Comes in Too

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