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Does This President Know What He is Talking About? An Ignorant or A Liar? Issues Highlighted

It looks like president Trump does not realize the gravity of the situation and never knows what he’s talking about. It was noticed recently when he was commenting on North Korea “not so easy” after just a 10-minute-talk with Chinese president.

Photo: Vanity Fair

Feeling an outsider has been an occupational hazard that most of the people feel when they feel alienated and fail ascertain an attachment with the realm. However, it is also a fact many of his assertions about very critical issues and related with public are found baseless.

However, now he is coming to the real facts and meeting real sources and well-informed people. They are making a big difference in his decision making.

It is one of the reasons behind the jarring spring of backing out from NATO, Chinese currency issue and dilemma of relations with Russia.

Now, his opinions, to some extent are based on facts and the ignorance being replaced, it looks like his bad policies might get replaces but that could be just speculated. A swing factor is always their that ranges from mood swing to policy and put him under the bar of bad politics.

This has been also noticed that his ignorance as per say and issuing orders on speculated pronouncements without sound information appears to be still there. Whether it is his laziness to obtain the reliable information or not it gives others enough ground to manipulate him easily.

According to Vox 

Some of the things he’s “learned” since taking office aren’t true, like when Paul Ryan convinced him Republicans had to do health care reform before tax reform. And as his equal-opportunity openness to both new information and new “information” become clearer to all interested parties, the race will be on to manipulate the president and incite further chaos in American public policy.

Some of the highlights where he faltered and later realized how things could go wrong:

1- In the February he said “Nobody knew health care could be this much a complicated issue” until he realized and considered legislative help.

2- After talking with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping for 10 minutes about North Korea he opined that “after listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not easy”.

3- After talking with his economic team and foreign policy advisers he realized that China stopped manipulating US currency a long time ago rather that slapped the country with an official currency manipulator designation that hamper cooperation on several other issues. In either sense it deeply affects the future of the United States and its economic empire.

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Does This President Know What He is Talking About? An Ignorant or A Liar? Issues Highlighted

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