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SHOCKING! Betsy DeVos Education Secretary Being Physically Obstructed by Protesters

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos had been physically obstructed  on various occasions by the protesters when she tried to enter the School. Resultantly she had to be escorted back and taken away.
betsy devos confirmation hearing
UNITED STATES – JANUARY 17: Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos prepares to testify during her confirmation hearing in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)
Devos was going on the first official visit to a public school since she was confirmed the US Department of Education Secretary.

“She does not represent anything that they stand for!”A Protester yelled at her and used her arms and body to block her way to Jefferson Middle School Academy, District of Columbia last Friday.

 A protester kept following her while saying:

“Keep giving money to senators and buying your way into the position,” he said, adding, “You should be so proud of yourself!” before breaking out into a chant of “Shame! Shame!”
The other protester badgered her while she was walking with her security.
However, The Washington Teachers Union did not partake in the blocking Devos’ way but demonstrated their opposition as a teacher held a sign in hands saying:

“Ms. DeVos: Our children are not props,”

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SHOCKING! Betsy DeVos Education Secretary Being Physically Obstructed by Protesters

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