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Snoop Dogg Takes A Shot at A Clown Resembling Trump in The New Music Video

Snoop Dogg’s new music video features Trump look-a-like clown which is shot by him with a toy gun.

In this newly released music video of Snoop Dogg “BADBADNOTGOOD”, he raps about police brutality in the world of clowns.

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Photo: Rolling Stone

Before pointing a gun at “the Trump-like clown,” he says “This is the final call.” The clown he shoots at is dressed like the current President Donald Trump. who is smoking a cigarette. When the trigger is pulled by him a flag says “BANG” shoots out off the gun.

The rapper told to Billboard by explaining the reason, “The whole world is clownin’ around.”

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“I feel like it’s a lot of people making cool records, having fun, partying, but nobody’s dealing with the real issue with this f–king clown as president. And the s–t that we dealing with out here, so I wanted to take time out to push pause on a party record and make one of these records for the time being,” he further added.

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Snoop Dogg Takes A Shot at A Clown Resembling Trump in The New Music Video

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