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Thrill Seekers Take The World By Storm With The Most Amazing Swing

Most amazing group of more than 200 thrillseekers tied to ropes jumping off  almost a 98-foot tall bridge to enjoy the most amusing thrill of their life. 

They have been doing the same since last year. It was in October 2017 when they broke the record of jumping off the brige simulatenously with 245 people that was previously 149 people. Although it was unofficial but this death defying act has become the new mantra for thrill seekers. 

BBC reported last year,

"Thrill-seekers in Brazil have broken the unofficial world record for the most participants to take part in a bungee jump. 245 people took part, the previous record was 149."


These Photos portray an extreme death-defying event which could be truly phrased as "hope on a rope." On the safety level if you look close you can see their each one has a helmet on and very well tied to a rope  as they take the plunge from the bridge in Hortolandia, about 68 miles northwest of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The thrill lovers fell almost simultaneously and swung back and forth until coming to a halt before. It is surprising to see that some descend to the water while others climb up the bridge.


They call it rope jumping, consists of jumping from a questionably impressive height while tied to a rope made with nylon.

It is very different from bungee jumping because the rope doesn't produce the bounce.

Instead of bouncing back, the  rope keeps slowing down and end up dangling at the end of the rope.

Last year the organizers took a month to prepare for the record jump as it involves the complicated system of pulleys and bolts involved. The stunt organizer Alan Fereira sad 400 people were involved last year's mega event. 


Fereira examined the ropes before the jump, as the feat required the assembly of complicated harnesses and bolts used for professional mountaineering.

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Thrill Seekers Take The World By Storm With The Most Amazing Swing

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