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10 Scariest Video Games Ever

Video Games are far superior to movies when it comes to horror because they place you directly in the situation yourself. This is opposed to empathising with characters on screen when it comes to a movie. When it’s you who controls where you look and move then it’s a far more immersive and horrifying experience than any movie can make you feel. So we decided to have a research and find 10 of the scariest video games ever made. These games are all going to scare the absolute be Jesus out of you.

1. Outlast

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Outlast is the most modern game on our list and offers up a truly scary experience that involves a psychotic doctor who wishes to torture you and kill you. With only the aid of a video camera to see in this horrific house, you begin to feel tense every time you turn your head.

2. Alien Isolation

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Alien Isolation may not have been the perfect horror game, but it definitely made you feel like you were being chased. the Motion-detector is one of the best horror mechanics ever designed and to include it within the game was the game’s saving grace. Knowing it’s nearing is horrible but not knowing on which level is worse.

3. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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Amnesia is a classic, one that has had many views on YouTube and arguably made PewDiePie what he is today. Amnesia puts you in a haunted house with just a flashlight and you have to navigate through the story, hiding from horrible beasts and trying to keep your sanity meter down.

4. Slender

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Slender is now a pop icon and has become quite a scare for younger kids. The game that includes picking up 8 pages is so simple and yet so horribly terrifying. The sounds and the idea that if you look at him and then turn away and look back he’ll be closer is a simply horrifying thing to think about.

5. Dead Space

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Dead Space is a sci-fi horror game from developers that worked really hard on making the game as scary as possible whilst also making it a genuinely fun game to play. With the use of tight hallways, scary sounds and quite a lot of gore, Dead Space is one of the best Sci-Fi horror games of our generation.

6. Bioshock

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Bioshock may not seem like a horror to some people but there’s certainly something horrifying about the demonic children and people that you find whilst navigating the game. Add the idea of claustrophobia into the game and it’s a truly tense feeling game.

7. Silent Hill 3

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The Silent Hill series is one of the most famous horror series ever. The game really plays on psychological horror of making you, the player, feel like you’re going insane with the character. With the use of movements in the corner of your eyes and things running about behind and in front of you, jump scares are really going to get you here.

8. The Evil Within

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The Evil Within is another modern game on this list. It’s made by the same guy who made Resident Evil 4 and you can feel the same ideal. With a similar gameplay feel and take, the game feels a lot like a Resident Evil game. It was lauded as one of the few genuinely decent scary games of our modern age.

9. Resident Evil 4

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Speaking of Resident Evil, some argue as to which is best. Resident Evil 3 and 4 are two of the best that’s for sure. They both utilise the idea that you’re being constantly followed and you’re trying to work out a cure or how to escape but hindered by zombies and other horrible creatures.

10. F.E.A.R

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F.E.A.R is another game that arguably defined the horror genre. With arguably one of the greatest jump scares in video game history, F.E.A.R has built up a huge following and two sequels. It’s so scary because it’s psychological and everybody hates little white ghost girls.

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10 Scariest Video Games Ever

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