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Nordstrom Strikes Back at White House After Its Direct Derogation

“To reiterate what we’ve already shared when asked, we made this decision based on performance. Over the past year, and particularly in the last half of 2016, sales of the brand have steadily declined to the point where it didn’t make good business sense for us to continue with the line for now.”

The company’s statement is the direct response to Trump’s attack. Since the White House used strong words by saying that it wants to hamper Ivanka’s name.

Trump directly referred to Nordstrom through a tweet on Wednesday:

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“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by Nordstrom. She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!”

Later the same day, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer supported Trump’s views by saying; “Nordstrom’s decision was a direct attack on his policies and [Ivanka’s] name.”

“She is being maligned,” he said.

Nordstrom also added that they have “a great relationship with the Ivanka Trump team.”

Nordstrom’s shares had a downer dive after Trump’s tweet but rose to a higher 4% later.

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Nordstrom Strikes Back at White House After Its Direct Derogation

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