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These 11 Companies Have Stopped Featuring Trump Family Brands Recently

More than a dozen companies have been drawn into the political battle either by supporting Trump or his critics. There are several companies that’ve been boycotting Trump administration every possible way.

However, the critics have been supporting the cause to urge customers not to shop at stores that sell the First Family brands including Ivanka Trump’s fashion accessories.

The critical movement launched by Shannon Coulter has branded the hashtag #GrabYourWallet on various social media platforms.

Contrarily, the Trump supporters have threatened to stop business with the companies that drop First Family’s products.

Following are the companies that have dropped Trump & Family products.

#1 Uber

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick had announced that he was stepping down from Trump’s economic advisory board.

REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui

“Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the president or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that,” Kalanick said.

#2 Nordstrom


Nordstrom had dropped Ivanka Trump’s fashion line and even Trump had mentioned them through a tweet on wednesday.

#3 Macy’s


They have stopped showcasing Trump’s menswear that included suits, ties and accessories after he called Mexican immigrants “rapists” in 2015. Now the news is out that they might drop Ivanka’s fashion-line too.

#4 Neiman Marcus


They have removed Trump products from the website that were present till last January.

#5 Home Shopping Network

home shopping network

The Trump Home line is no longer available on HSN.



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The Canadian online shoe store dumped Ivanka’s shoeline last November.

#7 Belk

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Dropped Ivanka’s accessories recently.

#8 Wayfair

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The Home Decor seller dropped Trump Home Products at the end of last year.

Among others there are the following few who have stopped showing Trump Family products on their stores.

#9 Bellacor

#10 Jet

#11 ShopStyle



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These 11 Companies Have Stopped Featuring Trump Family Brands Recently

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