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McCain to Trump ‘Provide Evidence of Wiretapping or Retract Your Claim’

WASHINGTON – The White House intelligence committee has asked Donald Trump’s Administration for evidence to support his claims that the phones at Trump Tower were tapped during his campaign before presidential election. Sunday, a reputed Republican Senator said that President should either show evidence regarding the claim or retract his claims.

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Senator John McCain Said;

“I think the president has one of two choices: either retract or to provide the information that the American people deserve, because, if his predecessor violated the law, President Obama violated the law, we have got a serious issue here, to say the least.”

Donald Trump as affirmed last week about Trump Tower wiretap issue by tweeting.

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” His claims were followed in the subsequent tweet allegedly continued without any evidence.

A letter, requesting an evidence was received by the Justice Department by the House committee chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., on Monday, and the Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a senior congressional aide said on Saturday.

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James Clapper, Obama’s Intelligence Director says that nothing has come up as an evidence but this has not stopped speculations about Trump Tower communication monitoring by Obama or his administration. The Congress is asked by President to investigate.

Schiff said, on Sunday, he is doubtful about any evidence regarding wiretapping claims. Comey and many others are called to testify on the next hearing:

“I think on March 20 if not before we’ll be able to put this to rest,” Schiff told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.” “I don’t think anyone has any question about this, George. The only question is why the president would make up such a thing.”

McCain believes that President should provide evidence that the law was broken by Obama administration or retract his claim.

“I do believe on issues such as this, accusing a former president of the United States of something which is not only illegal, but just unheard of, that requires corroboration. I’ll let the American people be the judge, but this is serious stuff,” McCain said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

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McCain to Trump ‘Provide Evidence of Wiretapping or Retract Your Claim’

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