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WATCH: Sean Spicer Ambushed in an Apple Store

“What it is like working for a fascist.” On Saturday, the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was questioned by a woman in an Apple Store.

A woman named, “Shree Chauhan” posted a video on twitter of her encounter with Press Secretary Sean Spicer last Saturday. In this video she is heard “asking Sean Spicer if he had helped with Russia Stuff.”

Spicer could be seen responding with a monologue, “We have a great country.”

The twitter periscope video that went viral on Social Media the woman is seen asking Spicer “How he felt about destroying our country.”

She went there to get a new iPhone when she spotted the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and asked her questions rudely. She admits that she was rude in the following tweets but she also justifies her action.

She wrote a post about her encounter with the Press Secretary here: Medium

Some of the reactions on twitter

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WATCH: Sean Spicer Ambushed in an Apple Store

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