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HUCKABEE: “Manufactured Outrage” is Opposing Trump’s Immigration Policies

The veteran politician, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on “The First 100 Days” show tonight,  praised POTUS Trump for keeping his all promises and cracking the foundation of illegal immigrants.

He was very concerned regarding the home security and duress caused by illegal immigrants, hundreds of incidents have been reported about breaking in, stealing, robbing and killing of U.S. citizens. We have to close our doors and night because we never know who is going to break in at night.

File Photo: former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee speaks at Inspired Grounds Cafe, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016, in West Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)

“Do you lock your doors at night when you go to bed? Of course you do,” Huckabee said. “Why? Because we don’t know who’s going to come through those doors.”


He summarized Trump’s immigration efforts by saying “Trump is simply locking America’s doors at night” to keep the people safe.

“If you’d like to come in, knock the door. We’ll come to the door. But just like in every neighborhood, we don’t open the door and invite everyone in who knocks on the door,” Huckabee said. “We’ll check these folks out. We’ll see.”

“Nothing all that different is being done except enforcing the law, especially on those who are breaking the law by committing violent acts.”

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HUCKABEE: “Manufactured Outrage” is Opposing Trump’s Immigration Policies

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