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HANNITY: Trump Needs Your Help To Be Successful at CPAC

The Conservative Political Action Conference is scheduled to begin at the Gaylord National Resort And Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. Sean Hannity is on radar for the yearly get-together.

While delivering a rousing speech during at CPAC he said where we stand today as a country and the agenda President Trump has been sincere to.

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Photo: Hannity

According to him there an apparent opportunity for us to stand as a nation as we have a chance to. But there are also odd forces that are also very actively working against us to distract us and divide us. They look very strong and persistent. If we could not act as a nation we might face difficulties. In a nutshell, there is a panacea for all the odds that is POTUS Trump. He needs support and appreciation.
Sean Hannity Talking In Mic Wallpapers
FILE – This file photo shows Fox News Channel political commentator Sean Hannity speaking in Tyler, Texas. Both Democratic and Republican advocates are using Tuesday’s Fox News Channel appearance by Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota to raise money, even as the newly minted feud continues. Ellison opened his appearance on Tuesday’s show by calling Hannity “the worst excuse for a journalist that I’ve ever seen” and their discussion descended from there. The congressman appeared upset by a Hannity commentary just before his appearance that ridiculed President Barack Obama’s speeches about fiscal negotiations. (AP Photo/Dr. Scott M. Lieberman, file)

“This is a historic opportunity for us to get this country together. We have an opportunity, but we have forces that are working very hard against us.” said he.

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HANNITY: Trump Needs Your Help To Be Successful at CPAC

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