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Is Pope Francis Really Critiquing President Trump?

Since President Trump’s policies have received mixed reactions from the world, Pope Francis has been very tight-lipped. The fact is, he had issued a precise statement on POTUS’s inauguration day with prayers that Trump show attention to the “poor, the outcast and those in need” but has adopted a policy of “wait and watch” publicly.
All these seem speculations too, unless we look at his twitter handle.
pg 24 pope francis getty
Pope Francis’ this tweet was noticed by many to whom he is addressing:

“How often in the Bible the Lord asks us to welcome migrants and foreigners, reminding us that we too are foreigners!”

That gave impetus to the flurry of speculated stories about Pope’s stand on “Trump’s immigration policies” as his subtweets were President Trump’s.
On the other hand, Pope Francis who is being followed by over 10 million has never mentioned President Trump by name but the subtweets he shares show the pulp of Trump’s tweets.
As the outcry seems to be rising and subsiding on Trump’s immigration and travel policies, Pope has directed several tweets subsequently aimed at the White House.
Some of them are:

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Is Pope Francis Really Critiquing President Trump?

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