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Dad Shuts Down ‘Child Leash Haters’ Is His Justification Really Worth It?

Have you ever put your child on a leash? “Yeah, I actually sometime think so,” “Probably,” “I may sometime need to” or “I kinda think about it,” these are the general replies by parents whose kids are uncontrollable. Majority of parents do not like even the thought of it.

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This dad did that actually despite the outcry from all over the world while visiting a farmer’s market. Clint Edwards who runs a blog said “No Idea What I’m Doing: A Dady’s Blog says, ““She’s a wild child, and this thing has already kept her out of the road and from sticking her hand in an ice cream machine, along with keeping me sane.”

Initially the strangers who saw them were disappointed with Edwards’ action.

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Edwards further said: “Sure, I get dirty looks from strangers. But…I’m going to do whatever I can to keep her out of danger, even if it means a leash.”

For some parents it is nearly impossible to control a wild child.

“This thing has already kept her out of the road and from sticking her hand in an ice cream machine, along with keeping me sane,” Edwards writes. “The real difficulty with having a wild child is that you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.”

Gradually many parents shared their “wild child experiences.”

“I thought we had outgrown the leash. Then a couple weeks ago my daughter literally tried to jump in the damn river. No fear. Not a single f— given. I literally caught this child as she was about to jump and she was just angry with me that I stopped her,” writes one mom.


“What matters is how it’s used: how it’s presented to the child, how and when the parent uses it, what the child’s temperament is, and why the parent is using it,” writes Dr. Tina Payne Bryson.

More info: Msn

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Dad Shuts Down ‘Child Leash Haters’ Is His Justification Really Worth It?

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