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Walk More Drive Less & See Surprising Benefits of Walking Everywhere

For most of us, we easily get into the habit of taking the car everywhere but when we walk more drive less we can easily see benefits of walking everywhere, you will notice the reasons to drive less even if it is 10 minutes down the road! However, it is important to stop being lazy and check out these all important reasons to skip taking the car.


Even if you’re not walking far, the choice to walk instead of the drive will make you a lot fitter. Most people can do with being a little fitter so this is an easy step that does not require a pricey gym membership.

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Carbon Emissions

It’s kinder to the environment to skip using the car if you could walk, it a great way to do your bit to help out the Earth and stop being lazy at the same time.

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Lose Weight

By choosing to walk everywhere you will be engaging in far more exercise which will ultimately lead to weight loss! This is an amazing way to shed those unwanted winter layers without even trying.

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Fresh Air

Fresh air is always really good for you and is often a great cure for if you’re feeling groggy in the morning or slightly worse for ware. It is also better for your well being and mindset to be in outside.

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Take In Surroundings

By walking you’ll be able to take in your surroundings and appreciate them way more than if you zoom past in the car. Once more, it might inspire you to explore your area a bit more.

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Save Money

Save money on fuel by walking or catching public transport, in fact, you could save hundreds if you got rid of your car all together!

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More Social

It’s more social walking or taking public transport than sitting in the car on your own! You could even walk with friends or travel with others, which will make getting from A to B a lot more fun.

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Excuse To Wear Favourite Coat

If you choose to walk this season, then you can justify buying those expensive boots or wear your favourite snuggly coat because you’ll be walking out in them. Make sure you strut around and rock that jacket on your sassy walk to work!

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Save Time

Cut out all that time stuck in the morning rush hour traffic and walk past it instead. This might actually mean you could have a half hour in bed, so it can’t be a bad thing at all!

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Make You Happier

It is scientifically supported that exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happy, so by skipping the car and walking to work or the shops you will feel in an all around better mood; which will put you in a more productive mood and result in a better day.

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Walk More Drive Less & See Surprising Benefits of Walking Everywhere

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