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Couple Adopts Seven Siblings Separated In Foster Care


It was the dream of a certain Florida couple to adopt a child from one of the various foster care homes in the USA.


“We always wanted to be a blessing and adopt a child,” said DaShoan Olds. However they found an opportunity to realize this dream when they read about siblings who had been separated into several foster homes and wanted to be adopted in one family. 


“It was a done deal from the day we saw the story,” Sofia said. “Before we even met them, it was a done deal. When I saw that picture, it was a done deal for me, honestly. We looked at each other and said, we’ve got to do this. It’s time. There’s no maybe, we have to do this.”


Blaire Bell was too excited when she heardthat all the seven siblings were going to be adopted into one family. “Siblings are the longest bond that you’ll have; it was very important to find a home that would be able to take all seven and make a real forever family.”


All the seven children were thrilled to be together under one roof. “We thought we would never be adopted, but I thought this was a really good blessing for us,” Necia,the eldest  said. Their foster parents helped them build strong foundations both in their curricular and extra-curricular activities.



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Couple Adopts Seven Siblings Separated In Foster Care

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