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How To Make Him/Her Want Me Back

Among the many creations, God created ‘man and woman’ to complement each other in every aspect of life. So its really hard when a relationship ends, it has a devastating effect on your life. Even though all your friends and family try to help you out but still feel left all alone. You badly want your partner back in your life but are at a loss how to go about it.

Of course, relationships end for a variety of reasons. If you broke his heart, it might be tough to convince him to give you another chance, or it might be that you were the victim. Whatever your reasons for wanting your ex back, but if you really want it then below are given some tips that will help you out.

Try these ideas and see if you can win back their affection!

1. Stay Away

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though this may seem a bit harsh but keeping your distance from your ex is the only way they will start to miss you. Reverse psychology often works wonders in such a situation. Space can be a great thing. If you give them some they might realize just how important you are to them.

2. Look After

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After break-ups you have to asses what went wrong in the relationship and figure out what you want from your life. If you want your partner back then you have to figure out that what you should give up to make your partner change their mind.

3. Get In Shape:

Looking fit and getting all toned up is not only a favor you are doing yourself but also a way to show your ex what they are missing.

4. Act Like You Don’t Care:

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Showing your ex that you can get along in life without them and you are not pining away for them. Shows them how strong and fun and level-headed you are and this might lead them to wonder if they made the wrong decision.

5. Keep It Friendly:

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Another great tip is that if you want to make up keep a friendly atmosphere between yourselves. Don’t gush over your ex and show them how much you pine for them. In fact keep a cool and friendly atmosphere.

6. Make Them Jealous:

This is a very tried and tested trick that you could always make your ex feel jealous.

7. Never Act Jealous Yourself:

You should try your best to simply ignore and seem really happy, when your ex tries to make you feel jealous.

8. Get New Interests:

You can do things you had always wanted to do. Or you can take up an exciting new hobby that your partner never expected you to start.

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How To Make Him/Her Want Me Back

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