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How To Make Him Want Me Over His Girl Friend

They say everything is fair in love and war. We can fall in love with anyone, it even can be someone who already has a girlfriend. And if its someone who is really irresistible, it creates a very tangible situation. You are literally at cross-roads and at a loss as where to start. Given below are few tips, following which maybe you can achieve your goal.

1. Look Good:

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He’s already attracted to someone so you need to always look good and proper to catch his attention.

2. Don’t Copy Her:

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You don’t have to copy her just to be in his good books instead you should have your own individual style, and carry it well.

3. Play With Eye-Contact:

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Instead of avoiding his eyes, look straight in his eyes when he is looking. Take his attention and then look away.

4. Ignore Him:

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After you have taken his attention ignore him for few days. He will be curious and follow you with his eyes.

5. Start Off With His Friend:

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Be friendly with his friends and try to impress them. He will soon hear about you and be curious.

6. Accept His Offer To Help:

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Just accept his help when he offers, this will make him feel good.

7. Have A Deep Conversation:

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Engage him in a deep conversation about love and try to find the qualities he wants in his girlfriend. Try to have those qualities in you.

8. Don’t Rush It:

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Here the winning factor is your patience, so don’t rush things  and do anything stupid.

9. Don’t Confront His Girl-Friend:

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Meeting up with his girl friend and telling her about your love is really stupid and tactless. This will put him in an uncertain position and he may want to leave you.

10. Don’t Be Jealous Of Her:

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Jealousy is inevitable in such a situation, but you should never make the mistake of showing it. This may put him under a lot of pressure and there’s a possibility that he leaves you.

So these are some of the clever ways by which you can make him leave his girl friend. And we should not worry about it too much as everything’s fair in love and war.

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How To Make Him Want Me Over His Girl Friend

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