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Federal Judge Blocks Trump’ New Travel Ban For a Syrian Family

Fox News – President Trump’s revised travel ban was blocked by a federal judge on Friday against a Syrian family escaping their homeland to Wisconsin. The family fled their homeland to Wisconsin and they would not have been able to enter otherwise.
A Spokesman for the Washington state attorney general who is also leading the state to challenge the ban said, the ruling is the first since its issuance on Monday.

According to reports a representative of the family complained to the Judge on Friday afternoon that the new ban is still an anti-Muslim that restricts his right to the genuine due process and is a direct violation of religious freedom.


District Judge William Conley said that “irreparable harm” could not have been avoided otherwise due to daily threats to his family. The order is not meant to block the entire ban it just blocks Trump administration to enforce it on that particular family.

The U.S. District Judge W. Conley wrote, “The court appreciates that there may be important differences between the original executive order, and the revised executive order. … As the order applies to the plaintiff here, however, the court finds his claims have at least some chance of prevailing for the reasons articulated by other courts.”

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Federal Judge Blocks Trump’ New Travel Ban For a Syrian Family

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