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A Blind Elderly Dog Found in Mountains in California That Went Missing A Week Ago

A blind elderly Labrador, was found by an off-duty firefighter that went missing a week or more ago. The 12-year-old Labrador went missing on February 24 when the family of its owner Beth Cole went to bed in their home Boulder Creek, California.

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The dog had lost eye-sight having contracted glaucoma. The family asked everyone around the local community to help them find Sage as the days were passed and she did not return. It was poor that she lost the sight and was lost in the mountainous area.

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The Santa Cruz Chronicle was told this by Cole family:

‘Our neighbors and other members of the community helped us search day and night for a week. We looked everywhere.’

Dan Estrada an off-duty firefighter and his friend Victor Lopez were hiking when Dan spotted her that looked like rather some rubbish dumped in the stream.

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He commented on it ‘At first I thought it was a garbage bag in the water. My vision is not very good so it wasn’t until I got closer that I saw it’s actually a white lab laying there lifeless in this stream – her chin just above water level.

‘When we saw she was alive, I jumped in the stream and hugged her.’

They also said that it was about to rain and Sage might not have lasted another night in such damp situation. On March 18, 2017 between 4pm to 6pm, a fundraising event is being held at Joe’s Bar for the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter as a result of successfully rescuing Sage.

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A Blind Elderly Dog Found in Mountains in California That Went Missing A Week Ago

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