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BIG LAUNCH: Big Immigration Launch Plan on President’s Table to Employ 10,000 More ICE Officers to Speed Up Deportation

The White House is all set for a “Big Immigration Launch” this Tuesday morning that will solely be focused on implementation of DHS’s proposed security plan that aims at recruiting thousands of officials to track the deportations, an official said.

The plan was signed by the DHS’s new secretary’John Kelly’. If the POTUS approves it, it will empower and invigorate the relevant authorities to speed up the deportation of illegal immigrants not only the US but along the U.S. border with Mexico too.

Kelly announced the plan to hire 10,000 of more ICE agents and 5,000 additional at U.S. customs and border protection agency.

the gen john kelly the new homeland security secretary is 13066068
Photo: Sizzle

“The surge of immigration at the southern border has overwhelmed federal agencies and resources and has created a significant national security vulnerability to the United States,” wrote Kelly.
S5 John Kelly

He also cited that building the wall along with entire U.S.-Mexico border is a prime necessity as POTUS has called for it.

The former President’s executive order was based on deporting the illegal immigrants with criminal records and terrorist connections only.
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“Criminal aliens have demonstrated their disregard for the rule of law and pose a threat to persons residing in the United States,” Kelly writes in the memorandums. “As such criminal aliens are a priority for removal.”

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BIG LAUNCH: Big Immigration Launch Plan on President’s Table to Employ 10,000 More ICE Officers to Speed Up Deportation

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