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HANNITY on Media: ‘Gross Malpractice With Attacks on President Trump’

FOXNEWS: Hannity’s tonight opening monologue, “the modern-day propagandists” in the “abusively-biased media,” are at war with President Trump. What do you think?

Hannity called the reporting by them on the president “a gross malpractice being purveyors of direct information medium to the public.
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Hannit said,

“They are collectively at war with the president because their little egos are bruised.”
He recounted president’s opinion about the falsification presented by the mainstream media these days, how they change the crux of speech and mention their vims through false sources.

It was responded by CNN anchor Christopher Cuomo saying that.
In response, anchors like CNN’s Christopher Cuomo said Trump’s “anti-press rhetoric will lead to people getting hurt.”

Sean Hannity Dark
Hannity said that Cuomo, whos is brother of Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.), and his media men “the biggest mouthpiece for the left in the country” and “modern-day propagandists.”

He also mentioned a montage of press outrage against Trump “exactly why the president calls them fake news.”

“What they’re doing to you, the American people, is a great disservice. They should be ashamed of themselves.”

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HANNITY on Media: ‘Gross Malpractice With Attacks on President Trump’

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