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Sean Spicer Cites CNN Poll & Its Unbelievable to Know Why

On Wednesday, Sean Spicer Press Secretary White House put aside long-standing feud with CNN by referring its poll about President Trump’s Congress speech.

Sean Spicer tweeted CNN poll that show positive reactions to Trump’s address to the congress the night before, despite White House’s criticism of the network and referred as “fake news.”

The polls show that more than three in four Americans reacted positively to POTUS’s speech. The administration has repeatedly called CNN a network “fake news” that cites wrong sources on many occasions. Not only that they also called its data collection and analysis inaccurate and biased.

sean spicer twitter
photo: sean spicer twitter

Last week CNN was among the other major news houses that were barred from Spicer’s question-answer session.

According to The Hill

Spicer decided to hold an off-camera “gaggle” with journalists inside his West Wing office, also leaving out outlets like the New York Times, The Hill and BuzzFeed.
potus twitter sean spicer
CNN responded by condemning its exclusion later last Friday, vowing it would continue holding Trump’s administration publicly accountable.

“This is an unacceptable development by the Trump White House,” CNN said in a statement. “Apparently this is how they retaliate when you report facts they don’t like. We’ll keep reporting regardless.”

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Sean Spicer Cites CNN Poll & Its Unbelievable to Know Why

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